About the Holy Spirit's Name

I will now with an example show how words can be understood and give another meaning to the text. I then start with the words in the Trinity, that is Father, Son and Spirit. In my language the word for "SPIRIT" is "ANDE", and I write "FATHER, SON, ANDE. I then have the two words "son" and "ande" and with a "r" I get the word ANDErson. And the end justifies the mean.

I now write a well known expression:

In the FATHER's, the SON's and the Holy ANDErsson's name.

I now write the names, where God is God Father.

In my language God is spelled with "u" instead of "o", and I use that word.


GUD, JESUS, KNUT - common letter is "U".


FATHER, CHRIST, ANDERSSON - common letter is "R".

We get the word "UR", and that is in my language also the word for a watch and leads our thought to the time. Therefore we ought to find a trinity in time, so that the past time, the present time and future are connected to a unit.